Next-Gen WebDev
with UIX

The all-in-one solution for building reactive full-stack web applications with shared state.
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Unleash innovation with tomorrow's technology

UIX is a full-stack framework for the next generation of web development. Use advanced technologies and merge your distributed application on the Supranet.

Seamless Full-Stack Development

UIX facilitates the development of complex full-stack applications within a single code base.Read more

Backed by Web APIs

UIX embraces existing Web APIs and is built on top of modern standards like web components and modules.Read more


Fine-grained reactivity and cross-device state management is enabled by DATEX.Read more


UIX supports various application architectures and development paradigms.Read more

Modular Components

Create reusable and type-safe web components and HTML templates with the power of JSX, SCSS and TypeScript.

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Shared Memory

Synchronize data like UI state and user data and send events between backend and frontend. The transmission is based on the DATEX standard and allows for end-to-end encryption and low latency.

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SSR and Hydration

Choose between frontend-only rendering, server side rendering (SSR) and hybrid rendering (Hydration) to optimize your application's performance.

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Hybrid Routing

Define combined routes and backend or frontend to create multi- and single-page applications on the fly. No need for external dependencies since UIX ships with a full-stack Router that covers all use-cases.

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Integrated Deployment

Deploy your UIX app with a single command on the servers or on your own infrastructure. Automatic tests and versioning are a fundamental part of the framework.

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Combining the latest technologies

Comparison with other frameworks

JSX Support
SSR and Hydration

Read more on SSR and Hydration.

HTML Support
SCSS Support
Built-in Internationalization
Build step required

Requires an intermediate step for compilation, merging and optimization of source code, resources and dependencies.





Virtual DOM

Read more on Virtual DOM.





Non-standard syntax required





Two-way data binding
File-based routing
Persistent state

Support for persistent state storage of data like UI or user data.

Cross-realm imports

Capability of importing and using JavaScript / TypeScript modules across different realms (Front-end / Back-end) or origins.

Automatic Deployment
Integrated Test Support
Authentication & Permission Management


Videos, articles, tutorials and other UIX related resources.

Back to the roots - developing a web native framework

To the blog

Getting started

Browse the developer documentation for UIX, including manuals, sample code, tutorials, and API reference.

To Documentation

The UIX Code Repository

Browse the source code of UIX, find out about new updates and suggest useful features.

To GitHub

Frequently Asked Questions

What is UIX?

UIX is a modern web framework designed to simplify the development of interactive and dynamic full-stack applications.

How does UIX differ from other popular frameworks?

UIX offers a unique blend of features, focusing on developer experience, simplicity, performance, and ease of use. It combines the best aspects of React, Angular, and other frameworks while maintaining its own distinct advantages.
UIX is dependency-less and combines all steps from design, development, testing and deployment.

What programming languages does UIX support?

UIX primarily works with JavaScript and TypeScript, providing you with flexibility and a familiar programming environment. However, thanks to the modular design and the use of DATEX as a backbone, we plan to support other programming languages like Rust in the future.

Is UIX suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! UIX was created with a user-friendly approach in mind, making it accessible to newcomers in web development while still catering to the needs of experienced programmers.

Does UIX support reactive programming?

Yes, UIX embraces reactive programming principles, enabling components to automatically update in response to changes in data and user interactions.

Can I use UIX for building mobile applications?

While UIX is primarily tailored for web applications, the use of responsive design and modern Web APIs allows UIX developers to create web applications that work great on mobile devices.

Where can I find documentation and resources to get started with UIX?

You can access comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and examples on the official unyt Docs website.

Can I use UIX in commercial projects?

Yes, UIX is available under the MIT License and can be used in both personal and commercial projects without any licensing fees.

Is UIX suitable for building large-scale applications?

Absolutely. The architecture of UIX is designed to accommodate both small and large-scale applications, offering scalability and maintainability as your project grows.

How often is UIX updated?

UIX is currently in early beta and is actively maintained and updated to add new features and address existing issues.

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